
Top Web Design Dubai Trends in 2015

We are in Oct-2015, and if look back and compare the web design trends of couple of years back with the current web design trends, we would be amazed with how much the web design Dubai standards and design patterns have changed in last few years. Internet is growing in a rapid pace, and in order to keep your business up with the competition, you have to adapt to the latest trends and international standards; otherwise you might be left behind.

Although the number of elements and styles that have changed in last years is huge, but 5 of the key and most striking elements that we felt necessary to discuss in this post are:

More Scrolling – Less Clicking

In the past, most of your interaction with the website was in terms of clicks. User`s attention was mainly towards the top or middle of the page, as most of links or buttons used to be there for the users to click on. But now, designers more focus is towards more scrolling and less to no clicking. You must have come across a number of websites with only one-page layout and long scrolling. Designers and Developers have been trying to make it simple, easy and fast for users to interact with information presented on the website. A big reason to prefer scrolling over clicking now a days is the heavy usage of mobile devices to surf the web. On mobile devices, users are so accustomed to scroll down and keep scrolling for several pages, without clicking even a single link.

The Rise of Ghost Buttons

Iconography department has also seen a huge development and progress in the name of Ghost Buttons. Ghost buttons are transparent, simpler, lightweight and esthetic buttons that have replaced the old-fashioned, traditional buttons. Ghost buttons allow the users to focus on large content areas of the page while still showing the clickable buttons that look like a part of overall design because of the transparency.

Bigger Content Sections

Gone are the days when we used to have large header and footer with minimal content areas. Content sections are becoming bigger and bigger day by day, allowing web designers and developers to convert as much information as possible to the users to increase conversion and usability. Content doesn’t only mean text-content, but bigger images, sliders and custom photography have become a norm in web design and development industry in Dubai these days.

Material Design Elements

Google was the pioneer of using Material Designs, which is now slowly replacing the flat-design methods, by combining flat designs with gradients, animation and 3D elements to enhance the user-experience. This not only makes the design more simplistic, but faster to load and easy to navigate through as well.


This list is by far not complete, but this can be a good starting point for someone who wants to know the latest advancements in the web design industry in UAE and what factors should be focused in this era to ensure that the website is upto the modern standards.